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2608 Keiser Blvd • Wyomissing, PA 19610
542 N Lewis Rd, Suite 207 • Limerick, PA 19468

Sleep Study

At your sleep consultation, the sleep specialist will determine if sleep testing is indicated and the appropriate test needed. There are several study types that evaluate your sleep issues.

Baseline Sleep Study

This study collects information on your breathing pattern, heart rate, oxygen saturation, movements and evaluation of any abnormal behaviors during sleep. Based upon your medical history and your insurance carrier guidelines, this study is performed in one of two ways.

In Facility Sleep Testing

This is the most complete way to evaluate your sleep through monitoring of various body systems for your entire sleep cycle. This is typically performed overnight in a home like environment, however, it can be performed during the day for night shift workers. The data is collected and monitored by specially trained sleep technicians through a state of the art computer system. Parameters measured during the study include sleep effort and pattern, airflow, oxygenation, brain wave activity and sleep staging, heart rate and rhythm, limb movements, snoring, and body position. Upon completion of the study, the data is reviewed and evaluated; formulating a diagnosis by a board certified sleep specialist.

Home Sleep Study Testing

This type of study screens data to determine if you are having apneic periods as you sleep. This is performed in your home usually on three consecutive nights. The Sleep Center will instruct you on proper set up and usage of the Home Testing device. The parameters measured during this study are limited to sleep effort and pattern, airflow, oxygenation, heart rate and body position. The home testing device collects and stores the data. Upon completion of the three night study, you will return the testing unit to the sleep center. The data is reviewed and evaluated; formulating a diagnosis by a board certified sleep specialist. Depending on these results, the physician may request additional parameters and an in facilty study is then indicated.

PAP (Positive Airway Pressure) Titration Study

The goal of this study is to determine the proper amount of pressure required to eliminate your apneic events. This study involves an overnight stay in a sleep lab. The specially trained sleep technicians will fit you for the most comfortable therapy delivery device. The technician will adjust the pressure remotely while you sleep until your apneic periods are eliminated. You will remain on that pressure for the remainder of your study. In addition to delivering the positive airway pressure, parameters measured during the study include sleep effort and pattern, airflow, oxygenation, brain wave activity and sleep staging, heart rate and rhythm, limb movements, snoring, and body position. Upon completion of the study, the data is reviewed and evaluated; identifying the optimal treatment pressure by a board certified sleep specialist.


This study is performed at a sleep lab for the purpose of assisting the patient to desensitize to the use of positive airway pressure therapy. Parameters measured during the study include sleep effort and pattern, airflow, oxygenation, heart rate and rhythm, snoring, and body position. This study lasts approximately 4 hours and it consists of one on one time with a specially trained sleep technician who will assist in acclimation by adjusting pressures, counseling and working with imagery exercises. Upon completion of the study, the data is reviewed and evaluated by a board certified sleep specialist.


The Multiple Sleep Latency Test is utilized to evaluate excessive sleepiness following a negative diagnostic sleep study. This is performed in a sleep lab setting. It consists of 5 scheduled naps spread out over a 7 hour time period. Parameters measured during the study include brain wave activity and sleep staging, heart rate and rhythm, and body position. Upon completion of the study, the data is reviewed and evaluated; formulating a diagnosis by a board certified sleep specialist.


The Maintenance of Wakefulness Test is utilized to evaluate an individual's ability to remain awake when being placed in an environment that welcomes sleep. This is performed by subjecting the patient to 5 nap trials over a 7 hour period. Parameters measured during the study include brain wave activity and sleep staging, heart rate and rhythm, and body position. Upon completion of the study, the data is reviewed and evaluated; formulating a diagnosis by a board certified sleep specialist.

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